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Beautiful Melody (The Happily Ever After series Book 1) Read online

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  “Presenting her Majesty Queen Monet and her Royal Highness Princess Melody!” the herald announced for every ear to hear.

  The crowd below broke out into applause. Melody shifted from one foot to the other as her fingers knotted together out of sight behind the balcony railing.

  Monet lifted a hand to the crowd below and bestowed on them a gracious smile, settling the noise instantly. “On behalf of my daughter and I, I wish to thank you all for attending this year’s Summer’s Eve Masked Ball!”

  Another round of cheers swept through the crowd and she waited as the sound subsided. “Don’t wait on us. Everybody dance!”

  The music swelled back to life and the crowd returned to their dance. Monet and Melody started down one of the two ivory staircases winding in a half circle down to the ballroom floor.

  “A special young man is in attendance tonight,” Monet told her daughter, her eyes gleaming with an evident sparkle. “I told him everything about you, and he said he would be delighted to meet you!”

  “No,” Melody insisted as they stepped off the last stair and onto the ballroom floor. “No socializing and no dancing. I already told you that.”

  The music faded as the dance ended, and Monet glanced around the room, searching the scattering crowd as if Melody hadn’t spoken. “I can’t seem to find him. Come, we’ll look for him.” She took hold of Melody’s arm and hauled her captive across the dance floor, receiving greetings of “My lady,” “Your Highness,” and “Good evening,” along the way.

  After a few minutes of searching the room without success, Monet and Melody stood near one of the food tables, each sipping on a goblet of cider.

  “I don’t understand. Where could he be? He should have been here by now.” Monet set down her cup and folded her hands over the front of her skirt.

  “Perhaps he won’t come,” Melody muttered into her glass.

  “Hush, Melody. Of course he will come. He’s just late. People are prone to do that now and then.” Monet drummed her fingers against the back of her hand. “I am sure that he will- oh! There he is now!”

  Melody looked to the stairs in the direction the queen waved to. There she saw a young man who was a whole head taller than her, even in the heels Ruby chose for her to wear.

  The man noticed them through the crowd and made his way towards them. He wore a buttoned shirt of the deepest emerald-green and a mask of the same color. “Queen Monet, you look lovely this evening,” the man greeted as he joined them. He took the queen’s hand and placed a kiss upon it. “I really must apologize for my parents’ absence. They had more pressing matters to attend to back home. They send their regards.”

  Monet brushed his the matter aside. “Think nothing of it. I’m only glad you could make it, Prince Samuel.”

  Prince? Melody’s heart froze. Her eyes moved from the man, to the queen, and back to him again. She’s planning something. I can feel it. Her fingers tightened around the glass still in her hands and she studied the prince from head to toe.

  He was everything a prince should be. Tall and handsome, with blond hair the color of a sandy shore combed back from his brow, and framed by his mask were emerald eyes that could make any jewel strive to shine brighter.

  Monet waved a hand to Melody. “This is my daughter, but of course you know that. Melody, this is Prince Samuel of Avon.”

  The prince gave a charming smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Princess.”

  “The pleasure is mine, My Lord.” Melody forced the words out.

  The band struck up a waltz and Monet beamed. “Oh my, I do believe another dance is starting.” She looked from Melody to the prince, nodding just enough for him to notice.

  He understood the wordless command and inclined his head in wordless response. He stepped past Monet and extended his hand to Melody. “May I have this dance?”

  Melody inched back a step. “Oh, no. I don’t…”

  “Yes, you may,” Monet accepted for her.

  Melody’s gaze snapped to the queen, eyes wide.

  She wore an expression of complete innocence.

  Melody looked from the queen to the waiting prince and her shoulders caved. She set her drink aside and placed her hand in his and warmth seemed to creep into her skin and course straight from him and up her arm. Left with no choice, she followed as he lead her through the sea of couples towards the center of the floor.

  She shot a glare back at Monet, who only gave a wave as they disappeared through the crowd. Once on the dance floor, the prince placed a hand on Melody’s waist. The music swelled and he led them in a waltz.

  “I’m sorry for what happened back there. This was all your mother’s idea. She has quite the way about her.” The prince smiled as they danced.

  Melody swallowed the lump in her throat. “Why did she insist upon you dancing with me tonight?”

  “Well...” the prince trailed off with a short laugh. “I came here tonight with the intention of finding a wife. It’s a well known fact that my kingdom has been struggling as of late. An alliance between our kingdoms is just what Avon needs, and it would benefit Omrie greatly as well. That is why I came here to seek your hand.”

  Melody’s heart grew still. Marriage? To the Prince? No. They can’t ask that of me. They can’t. Her chest seemed to tighten and she silently gasped for air that wouldn’t come. I can’t breathe.

  “Can I ask you a question?” The prince inquired, drawing her from her thoughts.

  Melody nodded, keeping her head down with her eyes focused on the front of his coat.

  “Is it true you hate these balls and dances as much as the rumors say, or are they overdone?” He gave her an expression of curiosity before he spun her in a circle.

  “It’s true I don’t enjoy social events, but it’s nothing like you may have heard,” Melody explained. Her eyes drifted away as her thoughts took her again.

  “Princess? Are you all right?”

  Melody’s attention came back to him and she realized they had stopped dancing, although the music still played on. She looked up into the prince’s frowning face, so close to hers they nearly touched.

  At that moment, Melody was grateful for her mask. It covered the rosey warmth burning her cheeks. If only a little. Suddenly his words registered. “Oh… it’s nothing. Everything is all right, Your Highness” she assured. “Really it is.” She insisted when still he didn’t seem convinced. “I was only reminiscing, that’s all.” She dropped her gaze as quickly as she had brought it up.


  Her eyes flicked back up to his. “What?”

  “You can call me Samuel, if you’d like.”

  “Oh, I-I could not be so familiar with a prince.”

  “Why not? You are a princess, after all.”

  “I’m not a princess. Not a real one.” She spoke more to herself than to him.

  “My Lady, if there’s anything you are, it’s a princess. If not by title, then by heart.” He smiled at her again, and Melody opened her mouth, but no words came out.

  The dance came to an end and the music faded. The surrounding couples dispersed, leaving them standing in the center of the floor on their own.

  “I-I’m sorry,” Melody apologized at once and released his hand, her blush deepening as she stepped out of his hold. She viewed the surrounding crowd and saw several nobles, staring at them and whispering to one another behind lace fans.

  Samuel didn’t even seem to notice. “It was an honor to dance with you, princess.” He bent at the waist in a bow, and when he stood upright again, he was by himself. He glanced up to see the princess hastening away from him and up the stairs in the direction of the balcony doors.

  “I didn’t think it could work between us.” He chuckled quietly to himself with a shake of his head. “Now I must find Monet and tell her the plan failed.”

  After safely making it to the balcony, Melody went to the edge and viewed the gardens spread out below. She tightly gripped the smooth railing and pinched her
eyes shut, and then slowly drew in a deep breath and exhaled it on a heavy sigh.

  “That was humiliating,” she groaned to the empty gardens below, opening her eyes.

  She gazed down at the queen’s rose garden, simple yet extravagant in its beauty. The garden was a wall of intricately trimmed hedges which fashioned the garden into the shape of a large heart. Twining vines crept up the hedges, creating a solid barrier that bloomed roses of the deepest blood-red.

  Melody pushed off the railing and made her way down the winding stairs that led down into the garden. All the while, her thoughts strayed to the prince. He’s searching for a wife. What if he insists on choosing me? Do I honor his wishes along with the queen’s and marry him? She briefly shut her eyes. No. She would never ask that of me. She couldn’t.

  Melody came to the rose hedges where the bottom point of the heart should have been and stopped in front of the elaborate gate formed of black iron. It was black as night, dark but beautiful. The metal twisted and curled around itself to create the shape of a heart in the center of the door. She lifted the latch and pushed the gate open. It swayed forward without a sound and she stepped into the garden.

  Melody drew a deep breath, breathing the sweet fragrance of roses into her lungs. Rose bushes of every color imaginable decorated the garden. White, pink, yellow, orange, and even blue and black shrubs lined the garden walls.

  Stone benches were placed around the wall, and a large, gray-stone fountain was in the center of the garden. On the bottom of the fountain were vines of pink and yellow roses. The sun would set soon, and it would bathe the sanctuary in a golden light. She wanted to stay until then, but someone was sure to notice the princess was absent from the festivities.

  Melody moved to the stone fountain and sat on the smooth lip, her skirts puffing around her. “I miss when I was the daughter of a merchant. When I was an invisible servant. Now I’m the center of attention, and not in a good way.”

  Melody sighed to her reflection as she picked a blooming, pink rose from one of the vines on the fountain. She dipped the flower in the water, making it ripple the reflection that stared back at her. Hair artfully done, wearing an expensive gown, and hiding behind a mask. This wasn’t who she was. She may have wanted this life two years ago, but she had changed since her parents died. Changed for the better.

  “I don’t believe that you could ever be the center of attention in a bad way.” A voice said behind her.

  Melody gasped and flew to her feet, turning around to face the intruder with the rose still in her hand.

  The voice belonged to a young man, who stood near the garden gate only a few steps away from her.

  He wore a black, buttoned shirt, trousers, and boots. He had neatly trimmed curly hair of rich chocolate-brown and his complexion was pale beneath his mask, which was the color of fine silver.

  Melody clutched fistfuls of her skirt in her hands. “Who are you? What are you doing here?”

  “I came to attend the ball this evening.” He gestured to his clothes with a quirk of a grin at her.

  His eyes took in the lady in front of him from top to bottom, and he couldn’t help but admire her. She was pure beauty, with winter skin and hair of the richest brown. Her captivating eyes were the color of a midnight sky, and they were only enhanced by the frame of her white mask.

  “No. I meant, what are you doing in the queen’s private gardens?” Melody amended as her heart began to beat harder with being alone with a stranger. At least she didn’t recognize him with his mask.

  “I could ask you the same question, my lady.” The man sounded amused. “I thought the princess was supposed to be at the ball, not hiding in the gardens.”

  “I am not hiding,” she retorted. “I needed some air. That’s all.”

  The stranger crossed his arms. “Say it how you like, it’s the same thing.”

  Melody studied the man for a moment. “How did you know where to find me?”

  The man seemed to consider something. “I came in when you were dancing. I saw you run out the doors into this garden.” He took his eyes off of Melody and looked around the rose garden with interest. Finally his gaze fell back to Melody. “What are you doing out here, Princess?”

  Melody hesitated for a minute. “I needed to have a few minutes by myself, it’s crowded in there.” She admitted, fidgeting with the rose in her hand. “Why did you come? Did the queen send you to find me?”

  “No one sent me. I only came to see if you were all right. No one should have to be alone.” He explained in a soft voice and moved closer to her.

  Melody took a sudden step back and her heel knocked against the bottom of the fountain. She lost her balance and started to fall backwards into the water.

  She pinched her eyes shut and her arms went out, but there was nothing to grab onto.

  She fell back, but didn’t hit the water. A pair of arms wrap around her waist and quickly spun her away from the water until she was standing safely upright again.

  Melody breathed a few shaky breaths. She regained her balance, but the arms around her still held her steady. Slowly, she opened her eyes to look up into the stranger’s ice-blue ones framed by his silver mask.

  Those eyes searched hers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you fall. Are you all right?”

  “Y-yes, I’m all right.” She tried to take a step back, but he held her firmly.

  “Are you sure? You may have twisted your ankle.”

  “I can assure you, sir, that I did not... hurt my... ankle.” Melody grunted as she tried unsuccessfully to push off of his chest. He didn’t move a muscle, but he studied her intently. “Take your arms from around me, sir.” She demanded with a huff.

  “You should let me look at it. It could be broken.” The man ignored Melody as he took an arm from her waist. He bent down, placed his arm behind her knees, and scooped her up into his arms. He carried her struggling over to one of the benches lining the rose wall and set her down there. Kneeling down, he picked up Melody’s skirts and set them in her lap so he could see her ankle.

  Her heart jumped into her throat and she stumbled over her words.

  “Sir, this is highly improper!” She managed to protest as she tried to push her skirts back down her legs.

  He met her eyes with a quirk of a smile. He then turned back to inspecting her ankles, lifting one and then the other as he examined each for injury. “Nothing seems to be broken.” He let go of her ankle and sat back on his heel with an arm resting on his knee.

  Melody quickly put her skirts back in place. “Thank you. Even though you were the cause of my near fall in the first place, thank you.” She tried her best to behave like a princess as she stood from the bench. She smoothed her dress, lifted her nose in the air, and walked around the stranger, making her way to the gate.

  He chuckled behind her and stood up from the cobblestone pathway.

  Melody reached the garden entrance pulled, but she stopped and looked back to see the stranger stood in the same place, watching her.

  “Aren’t you coming inside?” she asked him.

  “No. It would be better if I came in after you. It would cause suspicion if we came in together.”

  She took a moment but nodded. She then turned around and left the garden. Walking to the balcony, she cast a brief glance back to the garden. “What just happened?”

  Melody stood at the entrance to the ballroom. She shook her head and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. Smoothing her dress again, she took one last breath of fresh air to calm her nerves and entered the ballroom once again. She was greeted by music and the sound of people talking and laughing.

  The smell of the food from the tables below reached her and her stomach growled, reminded her that she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

  Melody hadn’t even closed the balcony doors before Queen Monet and Ruby were suddenly on either side of her talking over each other.

  “Where have you been, Melody?” Monet asked, fanning herself with a

  “Why did you leave, Mel? Did something happen?” Ruby questioned.

  “I’m all right. I only needed some air,” Melody assured them. “I went to the gardens.” With a hint of a smile, she picked up her skirt and moved past them to walk down the stairs in the direction of the food tables.

  “Where are you going now?” Monet asked behind her.

  “I am going to get something to eat. I’m starving.” Melody answered over her shoulder as Monet and Ruby followed closely behind her down the stairs.

  “Oh no, you’re not. Prince Samuel has expressed interest in dancing with you again.” Monet grabbed Melody’s arm to make her stop walking and turned her daughter to look at her.

  Melody placed her hands on her hips. “You can tell Prince Samuel that he can go kiss a toad.” She smirked as Monet’s jaw dropped.

  The queen’s hand fell away from Melody’s arm as Ruby barely stifled laugh.

  Melody turned around and made her way down to the food tables. She chose a pastry from the selection and was about to take a bite when she saw the stranger from the garden walking down the stairs opposite those she, Monet, and Ruby had come down. He spotted her through the crowd and smiled. Melody’s cheeks heated and she suddenly turned away, trying to ignore him. She busied herself by taking a bite of her pastry and watching the couples on the dance floor do the steps to the fast court dance that the musicians played.

  By the time the song ended, Melody had just finished her pastry.

  Ruby came up to the tables with a tray full of platters of meats, cakes, and sandwiches. She set it on the corner of the table and turned to face Melody. “Are you enjoying the ball, Mel?”

  “Not in the least.” She smiled at Ruby, but then frowned. “You’re not still upset with me, are you?”

  “No, I was just worried about you.” Ruby tucked a stray lock of red hair back into her bun. “The queen couldn’t find you anywhere. I had just come in when she noticed that you were gone. She asked me to help her find you. We were just about to look for you in the gardens when you came in.”